It's SNACK TIME, y'all!

Cooking with FIRE: Week 4


Hey there, Fire Tender!

July is slowly slipping away- but y’all are ready to roll into August with confidence.

So far this month, I’ve shared my go-to fire tips and tricks, and finally my most delicious recipes for fireside snacks. ALL of these recipes are adaptable to be both gluten-free and vegan. Feel free to substitute ingredients knowing they will be super tasty any way you make them. Our cohort became huge fans of vegan butter.

ONE MORE THING…. a note about fires…

It may seem counter-intuitive but I rarely have fires in the winter months here in Maine. Why? I thought you’d ask. You see when we make fires, it invites children to gather and sit for longer periods of time, which only results in cold fingers, toes, bums, and bodies. In the winter months (usually starting in December) we hold off on roasting days until the days warm in April.

Instead, we serve hot oatmeal at our morning circle (which is optional) and at “first lunch” for those who don’t attend the circle, or desire a second helping. We have made this two ways: in an instant pot indoors and over the wood stove. It all depends on how you’re set-up, up and what makes most logistical sense.

Remember, fires should bring more joy and love - not more stress. If you’re feeling like this is all too much- start small. Still, feel overwhelmed? Reach out, let’s chat, figure out the barriers, and get past them together. I’ve been there, and have had to take tiny steps, one day at a time to get to where I am today. I know you can too.

Popcorn has become a huge part of our cohort/class culture.

Lifelong Learning Corner: Courses with PD certificates for only $47!

One of MANY courses available on The Play Market, hosted by Kristen RB Peterson.

Get Started With Nature Play is an AWESOME course to help cover the basics of what Nature Play is (and is not). This comprehensive course will give you over 4 hours of CEUs to put toward your professional development for the year. This was such a fun collaboration with Kyla from Nature Created Play. Check it out for only $47.