How often do you let your imagination take the wheel?

How often do you let your imagination take the wheel?


The best thing I ever did…

Imagination is the home of freedom. It is where all of us can find freedom of existence, expression, freedom of self and the freedom to experience exponential learning. If we don’t tap into it from time to time, and let it LIVE - then we ultimately, we live a little less. Our imagination is the fuel that feeds our souls, our learning, our inspiration, our connections to self, others and the natural world around us.

The most important thing I ever did was REMEMBER what it was like for me to play as a child. I began to remember what activities just made the day melt away throughout the seasons. Building snow forts and tunnels in the winter, making shelters in the fall, collecting brightly colored berries and leaves in the spring, and exploring “unknown territory” in the empty lot across the street in the summers.

My growing connection to my own play preferences was supported by what I saw the children were choosing to engage with in play. As I observed, I began to think, “What would little Ade do in this play scenario? What would she need?”. My Great Observer skills were firing on all cylinders and my connection to play was deepening.

I began to take those play themes home with me, recreating what I saw in our woods space in my own back yard. I began to listen to that listen voice within me that said “I want to get my hands dirty, I want to feel the earth beneath my toes” and opted for a few hours in the garden instead of checking my email and making to-do lists. I had breakfast outside, used the grill a little more - made out own fire circle.

So I ask you , when you see a stick on the ground… what’s your first thought?

Do you think anything of it at all?

Maybe you have a stick basket by the back porch for kindling and thats where all stray sticks go.

Maybe you see a stick and think - “oh bother, seasonal yard work has arrived”.

OR Maybe you see a stick and think, “wow - that looks just like a hammer” or “ that would be a great stick for roasting mallows"

Stick Play: The Power and Purpose of Imagination was created to blend knowledge and imaginative experience into a course that would shift our perspective on play, imagination, and of course sticks (any ordinary item really). The concepts covered in this course can be applied to all aspects of play, we are simply viewing it through the lens of sticks!

I want you in the room for this beta experience. There are only 4 spots left in the VIP Cohort, but enrollment is open now. This course will only be offered at the price of $111 one time only. are you ready to remember play?Are you ready to be the change by activating your own imagination?

Enrollment closes 2/17/22.

Inside Peek: Week 1 is all about Reflection and Reconnection to our own childhoods, and inner child. Without this foundational work, we are missing an integral piece of play practice. Click the black button below to read more and enroll today.

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