Kindergarten Readiness is Garbage.

Spicy NEW Free Resource Inside!


Kindergarten Readiness is Garbage.

Somewhere along the line, preschool became the new kindergarten. Kindergarten became the new first grade, and play has fallen to the wayside in many traditional early learning environments. As a whole, we have traded play for performance and production.

If you are reading this, chances are that this is NOT news to you.

You are already an advocate of play.

But it is not you nor I who needs the “convincing”. Sometimes, it is families who need “proof” to truly see the benefits of play.

I have created a few FREE resources for you to share with families, co-workers, admin, and any naysayer who may pop up in your play journey.

Download my NEW Resource: Why Play Matters MORE Than Kindergarten Readiness. Share with families, colleagues, and fellow play warriors.

Download the Benefits of Play Checklist to keep handy as you lean into observation and let play lead the way.

Download these SEVEN printable affirmations by clicking the button below. Print, enlarge, and share to your heart’s content.

Which is your favorite? Screenshot, or share a photo of yours proudly displayed in your space. My hope is that these will help you feel FREE to keep moving forward and provide a little clarity and space to remember WHY you are here. Keep singing your song, friend.

The road may feel long, but you are never, ever alone.

Big hugs to you.


Join the Nature and Play-Based Consortium A FREE Community for change makers!

NPBC is a free community for nature and play-based educators, caregivers, facilitators, and advocates. We meet monthly via Zoom and our main mission is to provide a soft place to land when the work of a renegade feels lonesome and challenging. You are not alone, we are all in this together. Laura and Ade created NPBC to provide a true community that uplifts, supports, encourages, and inspires. Join us today by clicking the button below.

Join us on Tuesday, November 26 at 7 pm EST via Zoom. Group members will receive the link to view the replay if they cannot make the live call.