FREE and Clear

Check out this new FREEBIE!


Free and Clear!

Let’s face it, every single one of us has a mission. Be it personal, or professional - we have something inside that we are striving for.

Y’all have been around long enough to know that my mission is to bring PLAY back to early childhood and give young children the experiences in nature that we all had. Endless backyard exploring, muddy hands and feet, bruised and scraped knees, feeling the wind in our hair, and tasting the salt on our skin.

These things can be BIG feats, and they can take an emotional toll.

Overwhelm is real, and that buzzword BURNOUT that we all hear flying around the internet is no joke.

When we feel stuck in this state of overwhelm, clarity can feel hard to find. Here’s where the freebie comes in…

A few weeks ago, I shared with you some of the things I continually speak out loud to myself on a daily basis. Each of these affirmations keeps me afloat, and on the course toward the end goal.

Download this BONUS card and six more!

Download these SEVEN printable affirmations by clicking the button below. Print, enlarge, and share to your heart’s content.

Which is your favorite? Screenshot, or share a photo of yours proudly displayed in your space. My hope is that these will help you feel FREE to keep moving forward and provide a little clarity and space to remember WHY you are here. Keep singing your song, friend.

The road may feel long, but you are never, ever alone.

Big hugs to you.


Join the Nature and Play-Based Consortium A FREE Community for change makers!

NPBC is a free community for nature and play-based educators, caregivers, facilitators, and advocates. We meet monthly via Zoom and our main mission is to provide a soft place to land when the work of a renegade feels lonesome and challenging. You are not alone, we are all in this together. Laura and Ade created NPBC to provide a true community that uplifts, supports, encourages, and inspires. Join us today by clicking the button below.

Join us on Tuesday, September 26 at 7 pm EST via Zoom. Group members will receive the link to view the replay if they cannot make the live call.