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Feck the traditional way of doing things. Blaze your own path.

Spilling the tea on starting over | Part 2.


Hey there, Play Advocate.

So I left my in-person program… what’s next?

All month long I will catch you up on what I’ve been up to over the last 8+ weeks. There have been big shifts, major changes, incredible reflections, and gorgeous a-ha moments. As always, I will honor my promise to be transparent and real AF… here we go!

It took me 6 years to find the perfect spot… 6 minutes from my own back yard.

I never do things the traditional way... I should have known the next step would be no different.

There I sat. At my kitchen table. Staring at my laptop. I took a deep breath and began to tie up some loose ends of a business I felt we worked so hard to bring to fruition, but still didn’t feel quite right. As I sorted through the pieces, of closing shop, I realized a few things.

  1. This might feel like an end, but it is really a new beginning.

  2. This moment is an opportunity to create the future I dream of day after day.

  3. I can write this new chapter however I want, but I don’t have to do it alone.

I picked up the phone and called my sister. She walked me through closing out accounts and settling invoices and reminded me… “Beela, (her nickname for me) when the right thing comes along it won’t feel like a struggle. When it’s meant to be it will already be done. Be patient.”

I laughed a little and said, “I will do my very best”. When we hung up the phone, I opened the realtor.com app for the 3rd time that day. Expanding my search for a property that would serve as the home for my new nature play program.

Everyone I knew, who loved and trusted me to care for their children wanted to know what was next for me. Texts, emails, phone calls, and run-ins in the community left me feeling helpless. I had NO information. I had NO solid plan.

What I did have was a pretty clear idea and vision of what the program I would build would look like; and a solid understanding that I had to be patient. (oof-- that is so much harder than it ever seems).

My partner, parents, and dear friends and I looked at an average of 3 properties (or more) per week for the next 8 weeks. I scoured that app, refreshing it every few hours. I drove down dirt roads, talked to friends of friends about leasing land - you name it, and - NOTHING came of it.

No property felt right. There was one that came super close but we were outbid by just a few thousand dollars last minute. The market was ravenous and wild, and I was feeling crushed.

Then, I remembered - everything that happens to me is an opportunity to learn and grow…. I paused and decided to get CRYSTAL clear on the vision. What kinds of trees did I want on the land, was there water, what did the structures look like, was there a sledding hill, would we have a wood stove, what was the bathroom situation? I wrote it all down, drew it out, made a vision board, and talked about every detail to anyone who would listen. (Thank you, if you are one of those humans).

The day after we closed out our joint former business account I found a parcel of land on the Facebook marketplace. It was 6 minutes from our house.

One day later, my partner, Dad, and I walked it. We all fell in love. I could practically SEE children in the trees, sledding down the hill, running in the fields… Our mission for the program deeply resonated with the seller. Six hours later, our offer was accepted.

I share this with you to serve as a reminder of a few things that tend to fade away in the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship and creative endeavors…

  1. Don’t ever settle. Know exactly what you want and don’t let anyone talk you out of it.

  2. When you are aligned, you will experience incredible synchronicity.

  3. Your vision is yours and yours alone. It will be the thing that sets you apart from others - the thing that drives some to you and not others.

  4. It’s going to be emotionally challenging to follow your vision, but goodness gracious is it rewarding. Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.

  5. When you truly close one door, another one opens. Make space in your life, heart, mind, and body for the universe to deliver.

  6. Remember, everything that happens is an opportunity to learn and grow. Be aware of this at every turn.


Next week, I’ll pick up where we left off, sharing what happened after we FINALLY found land. Walk with me on my journey to building a program from the literal ground up.

Stay the course friends, and be true to yourself FIRST. Everything else will fall into alignment when you trust your voice, vision, and principles.

Hugs to you,


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NPBC is a free community for nature and play-based educators, caregivers, facilitators, and advocates. We meet monthly via Zoom and our main mission is to provide a soft place to land when the work of a renegade feels lonesome and challenging. You are not alone, we are all in this together. Laura and Ade created NPBC to provide a true community that uplifts, supports, encourages, and inspires. Join us today by clicking the button below.

Join us Tuesday, August 21 at 7 pm EST via Zoom. Group members will receive the link to view the replay if they cannot make the live call.