Be the duck.

How To Handle Imposter Syndrome


Imposter Syndrome is legit...

Have you heard of this phenomenon? To boil it down in super simple language, it’s when that voice inside your mind keeps telling you that you aren’t 87 million things. You aren’t qualified, ready, financially able, smart, savvy, knowledgeable… You name it- whatever “excuse” or “obstacle” keeps bubbling up for you in pursuit of your dream - that’s imposter syndrome showing its face. Here’s the first thing I learned about Imposter Syndrome… it’s total bullshit… it is fear personified - is NOT reality.

The other thing about Imposter Syndrome is that it is not linear. It’s not a one-and-done type of thing… it can be cyclical and show up in various seasons of our growth, achievement, and (personal and professional) expansion.

The good news is that, as you navigate through, things start to feel more familiar and a smidge easier. This allows us to recognize and acknowledge these false truths, dismiss them faster, and walk away taller, more deeply rooted in WHO we are and WHY we do what we do as renegades and change-makers.

Here are some affirmations/ loving reminders I am leaning really hard on in my current season of growth.

  1. I am one of one. My vision and story have significant value.

  2. I can achieve more than I can perceive.

  3. I do not give up in the face of adversity.

  4. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

  5. I do not fear judgment. I embrace love, support, and kindness in my journey.

  6. I wear a cloak of gratitude that shields me from judgment and fear of failure.

  7. I can do hard things.

Be The Duck.

Have you ever heard this expression? This is one of my favorite analogies. Ducks are so composed as they glide across the glassy waters of a pond, lake, or river… but what we don’t see is that beneath the surface they are paddling like hell. Working SO HARD but not grimacing, worrying, or outwardly struggling. Ducks also have a complex system of feathers that keep them warm and dry, repelling moisture from seeping in and causing discomfort.

Stay the course but work like hell. Get up early, and do the hard work in the dark. Work without reaching for accolades and pats on the back - lean on your flock, your people who are your biggest cheerleaders. Let the judgment, fear of failure and worry roll off you like water on a duck’s back.

You are meant to do great things. Keep. Going.

Join the Nature and Play-Based Consortium A FREE Community for change makers!

NPBC is a free community for nature and play-based educators, caregivers, facilitators, and advocates. We meet monthly via Zoom and our main mission is to provide a soft place to land when the work of a renegade feels lonesome and challenging. You are not alone, we are all in this together. Laura and Ade created NPBC to provide a true community that uplifts, supports, encourages, and inspires. Join us today by clicking the button below.

Join us Tuesday, September 19 at 7 pm EST via Zoom. Group members will receive the link to view the replay if they cannot make the live call.